Any criminal charge is serious and should be taken seriously, but an assault charge can potentially carry significant penalties if it’s not dealt with properly. If you’ve been charged with assault or fear being charged with assault, then you need to speak to criminal lawyers so that they can help you explore your options and identify the best course of action to defend yourself.
If you don’t do things right, you could be found guilty in a court of law, resulting in imprisonment and significant financial penalties. With this in mind, we’ve compiled a short list of things you should do if you’ve been charged with or fear that you might be charged with assault.
Seek Legal Advice
The first thing you should do if you’re charged with assault is seek legal advice from a qualified criminal lawyer. Make sure you outline the facts surrounding your case clearly so that your lawyer can help you decide on the best course of action to reduce consequences if you’re found guilty.
Make Sure That You Understand The Different Types Of Assault
There are numerous types of assault in Australia, each of which carry different penalties. Assaults may be seen as ‘aggravated’ if the offender and victim are related, if a child was present during the assault or if the victim is older than 60 years. Aggravated assaults carry larger penalties than non-aggravated ones. The main types of assault include:
Common assault – This occurs when a victim receives minor injuries as the result of an assault. Common assault carries maximum penalties of 3 years prison and $36000 fine.
Assault occasioning bodily harm – If a victim’s injuries require medical attention, you may be charged with assault occasioning bodily harm. If this happens, you may face up to 7 years imprisonment and $36000 fine.
Grievous bodily harm – If an assault results in serious injury or has the potential to cause serious injury or death, you may be charged with grievous bodily harm. If this happens, you can expect a penalty of up to 14 years imprisonment.
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